Book appointments with minimum wait-time & Video consult with verified doctors
Labaid Specialized Hospital | Dhanmondi
+ 1 more locations
Serves for
Labaid Specialized Hospital | Dhanmondi
House: 1 and, 6 Road No 4, Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi, 32, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
+ 1 more locations
Sat Mon Tue Thur 6:30 AM - 10:00 PM
Sun 06:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Wed 6:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Khidmah Hospital Private Limited
Serves for
Khidmah Hospital Private Limited
C-287/2-3 , Bishwa Road, Dhaka-1219, Bangladesh
Khidmah Hospital Private Limited
Serves for
Khidmah Hospital Private Limited
C-287/2-3 , Bishwa Road, Dhaka-1219, Bangladesh
Khidmah Hospital Private Limited
Serves for
Khidmah Hospital Private Limited
C-287/2-3 , Bishwa Road, Dhaka-1219, Bangladesh
MBBSMS(Ortho)Clinical Fellowship(Spine Surgery)Dip in Tissue BankingMRCS
Orthopedic Surgeon
19 Years of Experience Overall
Vivacity Multispeciality Hospital
Serves for
Vivacity Multispeciality Hospital
23, Jessore Rd, Burimar Bagan, Madhyamgram, Kolkata, West Bengal, Kolkata-700129, India
Vivacity Multispeciality Hospital
Serves for
Vivacity Multispeciality Hospital
23, Jessore Rd, Burimar Bagan, Madhyamgram, Kolkata, West Bengal, Kolkata-700129, India
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Dhanmondi
+ 1 more locations
Serves for
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Dhanmondi
House #16, Road # 2, Dhanmondi R/A, 6, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
+ 1 more locations
Central Hospital Limited
Serves for
Central Hospital Limited
House # 02, Road # 05, Green Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
ব্যথা নিরাময় ফিজিওথেরাপি সেন্টার , আছমত আলী খান সেন্ট্রাল হসপিটাল, মাদারীপুর সদর থানার বিপরীতে, নতুন শহর, মাদারীপুর সদর।
Serves for
ব্যথা নিরাময় ফিজিওথেরাপি সেন্টার , আছমত আলী খান সেন্ট্রাল হসপিটাল, মাদারীপুর সদর থানার বিপরীতে, নতুন শহর, মাদারীপুর সদর।
আছমত আলী খান সেন্ট্রাল হসপিটাল, মাদারীপুর সদর থানার বিপরীতে, নতুন শহর, মাদারীপুর। , আছমত আলী খান সেন্ট্রাল হসপিটাল, মাদারীপুর সদর থানার বিপরীতে, নতুন শহর, মাদারীপুর। , Bangladesh, আছমত আলী খান সেন্ট্রাল হসপিটাল, মাদারীপুর সদর থানার বিপরীতে, নতুন শহর, মাদা, আছমত আলী খান সেন্ট্রাল হসপিটাল, মাদারীপুর সদর থানার বিপরীতে, নতুন শহর, মাদারীপুর।, 7900, Bangladesh
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur 5:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Fri 9:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Maxcare clinic
Serves for
Maxcare clinic
C block, Bangladesh, C block, Bangladesh, C block, 5801, Bangladesh
Sat 1:30 AM - 11:55 AM
Sun Tue Wed Thur 2:55 AM - 11:55 PM
Mon 2:55 AM - 00:55 PM
Fri 7:05 AM - 11:55 PM
MBBSMCPS (Medicine)MD (Internal Medicine)DLPEDC (Diabetes)
Medicine SpecialistDiabetes Specialist
Years of Experience: Coming Soon
Ibne Sina D-Lab & Consultation Center, Doyaganj, Gendaria, Dhaka
Serves for
Ibne Sina D-Lab & Consultation Center, Doyaganj, Gendaria, Dhaka
Gendaria, Bangladesh, Gendaria, 1000, Bangladesh
Sun Tue Thur 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Fri 03:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Gynecologist & ObstetricianGeneral PhysicianAllergy Skin-VDDiabetes SpecialistPediatrician
Years of Experience: Coming Soon
Dr. Farhana 's clinic
Serves for
Dr. Farhana 's clinic
Rajoir upazila health complex , Bangladesh, Rajoir upazila health complex, 7910, Bangladesh
Sat Mon Tue Wed Fri 0:00 AM - 00:00 PM
Sun 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Thur 11:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Dr Khan's Endoscopic Spine Centre, Anower Khan Modern Hospital, Road no-8, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Serves for
Dr Khan's Endoscopic Spine Centre, Anower Khan Modern Hospital, Road no-8, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Road no -7, Dhanmondi , Dhanmondi , Bangladesh, Dhanmondi, Bangladesh, Dhanmondi, 1008, Bangladesh
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Dhanmondi
+ 1 more locations
Serves for
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Dhanmondi
House #16, Road # 2, Dhanmondi R/A, 6, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
+ 1 more locations
Senior Citizen Hospital Ltd.
+ 2 more locations
Serves for
Senior Citizen Hospital Ltd.
House No #8, Road No #8, Block #J, Baridhara, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
+ 2 more locations
পিলকুনি জিপি চেম্বার
+ 1 more locations
Serves for
পিলকুনি জিপি চেম্বার
পিলকুনি জামাইয়ের দোকান চৌরাস্তা, কুতুবপুর,ফতুল্লা , Bangladesh, 1420, Bangladesh
+ 1 more locations
Super Medical Hospital Ltd.
+ 1 more locations
Serves for
Super Medical Hospital Ltd.
B-119/3 jalessor (near razzak plaza), Savar, Dhaka-1340, Bangladesh
+ 1 more locations
MBBSFCPS (Medicine)FRCP (UK)MACP (America)OGT &G-Med (AFMI)
28 Years of Experience Overall
Kingston Hospital Ltd.
+ 1 more locations
Serves for
Kingston Hospital Ltd.
House: 51-54, Road: 01 & 02, Block: D, Shahidbag, mirpur-12, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
+ 1 more locations
Islami Bank Community Hospital
+ 1 more locations
Serves for
Islami Bank Community Hospital
Chuadanga Bus Stand, Jhenaidah , Bangladesh, 7300, Bangladesh
+ 1 more locations
Fri 8:00 AM - 4:00 AM
Human Aid Research Lab and Hospital
+ 2 more locations
Serves for
Human Aid Research Lab and Hospital
54 Darus Salam Rd, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
+ 2 more locations
Deen Mohd. Eye Hospital & Research Center
+ 1 more locations
Serves for
Deen Mohd. Eye Hospital & Research Center
2nd Floor, 4, 1/A Sobhanbag Rd, Dhaka, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
+ 1 more locations
Ad-din Medical College Hospital
+ 1 more locations
Serves for
Ad-din Medical College Hospital
2 Bara Maghbazar, Outer Circular Rd, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
+ 1 more locations
16 Years of Experience Overall
Universal Medical College Hospital Limited
Serves for
Universal Medical College Hospital Limited
74G/75, Pea-cock Square, New Airport Road, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM
19 Years of Experience Overall
Universal Medical College Hospital Limited
Serves for
Universal Medical College Hospital Limited
74G/75, Pea-cock Square, New Airport Road, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur 8:00 AM - 02:00 PM
17 Years of Experience Overall
Lubana General Hospital
Serves for
Lubana General Hospital
09 Gareeb-e-Nawaz Ave, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Place for Ads
Place for Ads
Place for Ads