* To render the world standard diagnostic service to the people of the country at an affordable cost and in turn to limit the outflow of the patient abroad at the expense of heard earn foreign currency by providing quality diagnostic services. * Out door basis treatment by renowned General Practitioners, Consultants and Professors in different medical fields. * To promote Health Education & Medical Services. * Day care Centre for follow-up cardiac renal and oncology patients. * To build a full fledged specialized (Tertiary) Hospital. * Set up Satellite collection Centre.
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Noakhali
10 Years in service

House #1222, New Bus stand (Near Shaheed Bhulu Stadium) Maijdee Court, Noakhali-3801, Bangladesh
Diagnostic Services
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Ultrasonogram of Whole Abdomen, Prostate & PVR 4D(D726)
An ultrasonogram of the whole abdomen, prostate, and Post-Void Residual (PVR) 4D (D726) is an advanced imaging test that uses sound waves to generate real-time, three-dimensional images of the abdomen, prostate, and urinary system. This procedure assesses the abdominal organs (liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas), the prostate for signs of enlargement or abnormalities, and measures the amount of urine left in the bladder after urination (PVR), helping diagnose conditions like urinary retention or bladder dysfunction. The 4D aspect provides dynamic, detailed views of organ movement and structure. The test is non-invasive, painless, and typically requires no special preparation.Place for Ads
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