* To render the world standard diagnostic service to the people of the country at an affordable cost and in turn to limit the outflow of the patient abroad at the expense of heard earn foreign currency by providing quality diagnostic services. * Out door basis treatment by renowned General Practitioners, Consultants and Professors in different medical fields. * To promote Health Education & Medical Services. * Day care Centre for follow-up cardiac renal and oncology patients. * To build a full fledged specialized (Tertiary) Hospital. * Set up Satellite collection Centre.
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Noakhali
10 Years in service

House #1222, New Bus stand (Near Shaheed Bhulu Stadium) Maijdee Court, Noakhali-3801, Bangladesh
Diagnostic Services
6000 BDT
Duplex Study of Scotum
A Duplex Study of the scrotum is a non-invasive ultrasound test used to evaluate b...read more3500 BDT
Duplex Study of Right Upper limb Veins
A Duplex Study of the right upper limb veins is a diagnostic test that combines tr...read more3500 BDT
Duplex Study of Right Lower limb Vessels
A Duplex Study of the right lower limb vessels is a non-invasive diagnostic test t...read more3500 BDT
4000 BDT
Duplex Study of Penile vessels
A Duplex Study of the penile vessels is a non-invasive ultrasound test used to eva...read more3500 BDT
Duplex Study of Pampiniform Plexus
A Duplex Study of the pampiniform plexus is a non-invasive ultrasound test used to...read more4000 BDT
Duplex Study of Neck/Popliteal Mass/growth in other parts of the body
A Duplex Study of a mass or growth in areas such as the neck or popliteal region i...read more4000 BDT
Duplex Study of Neck Vessel
A Duplex Study of the neck vessels is a non-invasive ultrasound test that combines...read more3500 BDT
Duplex Study of Left Upper limb Vessels
A Duplex Study of the left upper limb vessels is a non-invasive ultrasound test us...read more3500 BDT
Duplex Study of Left Lower limb Vessels
A Duplex Study of the left lower limb vessels is a non-invasive diagnostic test th...read more3500 BDT
Duplex Study of Kidney/Renal Perfusion
A Duplex Study of kidney or renal perfusion is a non-invasive ultrasound test used...read more4000 BDT
Duplex Study of Both Upper limb Vessels
A Duplex Study of both upper limb vessels is a non-invasive ultrasound test that c...read more7000 BDT
Duplex Study of Both Lower limb Vessels
A Duplex Study of both lower limb vessels is a non-invasive ultrasound test that c...read more7000 BDT
Duplex Study of Both Lower Limb Artery
A Duplex Study of both lower limb arteries is a non-invasive ultrasound test used ...read more4000 BDT
Duplex Study of Arteri
A Duplex Study of the arteries is a non-invasive diagnostic test that uses ultraso...read more2500 BDT
Duplex Study of Abdominal aorta and its branches
A Duplex Study of the abdominal aorta and its branches is a non-invasive ultrasoun...read more4000 BDT
Doppler Study of Right Lower Limb Vessels
A Doppler Study of the right lower limb vessels is a non-invasive diagnostic test ...read more4000 BDT
Doppler Study of Left Lower Limb Vessels
A Doppler Study of the left lower limb vessels is a non-invasive diagnostic test t...read more4000 BDT
Carotid Duplex
A Carotid Duplex is a non-invasive ultrasound test that combines traditional imagi...read more4000 BDT
Broncho Provocation test
A Bronchoprovocation Test is a diagnostic procedure used to evaluate airway hyperr...read more1000 BDT
Varilrix (Chicken Pox)
The vaccine stimulates the immune system to produce protective antibodies against ...read more1500 BDT
Typherix (Typhoid)
Typherix is a vaccine used to protect against typhoid fever, a bacterial infection...read more500 BDT
Tritanrix (DPT - 3 doss Hepatitis)
Tritanrix is a combination vaccine used to protect against four diseases: diphther...read more500 BDT
Priorix (MMR)
Priorix is a vaccine that provides protection against three viral diseases: measle...read more600 BDT
Mencevax ACWY (Vaccine)
Mencevax ACWY is a vaccine that protects against four strains of the meningococcal...read more1300 BDT
Hiberix (Hbmeningis & Pneumonia)
Hiberix is a vaccine that protects against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), a ...read more700 BDT
Hiberix (Hbmeningis & Pheumonia)
Hiberix is a vaccine that protects against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), a ...read more700 BDT
Hepavax - B (Adult) (Including Pushing Charge)
Hepavax-B (Adult) is a vaccine that protects against hepatitis B, a viral infectio...read more600 BDT
Havrix (Hepatitis -A) Single
Havrix is a vaccine that provides protection against hepatitis A, a viral infectio...read more850 BDT
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