Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Dhanmondi

28 Years in service
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Dhanmondi Logo
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+8809666 787801
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House #16, Road # 2, Dhanmondi R/A, 6, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
Diagnostic Services
Digital X-Ray of Left Leg (Tibia & Fibula) including Knee & Ankle joint
A Digital X-ray of the left leg, including the Tibia and Fibula, along with the kn...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left knee joint AP, Lateral, Skyline & Intercondylar view
A Digital X-ray of the left knee joint in Anterior-Posterior (AP), Lateral, Skylin...read more
2000 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left knee joint AP, Lateral & Skyline view
A Digital X-ray of the left knee joint in Anterior-Posterior (AP), Lateral, and Sk...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left knee joint (B/V) AP & Lateral view
A Digital X-ray of the left knee joint in both Anterior-Posterior (AP) and Lateral...read more
800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Humerus (Arm)AP &Lat.View including Shoulder &Elbow joint(One Film)
A Digital X-ray of the left humerus (arm) in both Anterior-Posterior (AP) and Late...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Humerus (Arm) AP & Lat. View including Shoulder joint(One Film)
A Digital X-ray of the left humerus (arm) in both Anterior-Posterior (AP) and Late...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Hip joint oblique view
A Digital X-ray of the left hip joint in the Oblique view is used to capture the h...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left hip joint Lateral View
A Digital X-ray of the left hip joint in the Lateral view provides a side angle of...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left hip joint AP View
A Digital X-ray of the left hip joint in the Anterior-Posterior (AP) view is used ...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left hip joint AP & Lateral View(One Film)
A Digital X-ray of the left hip joint in both Anterior-Posterior (AP) and Lateral ...read more
800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Heel (Calcaneum) Axial & Lateral View
A Digital X-ray of the left heel (Calcaneum) in both Axial and Lateral views is us...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Hand PA & Oblique View
A Digital X-ray of the left hand in both Postero-Anterior (PA) and Oblique views i...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Hand AP & Lateral View
A Digital X-ray of the left hand in both Anterior-Posterior (AP) and Lateral views...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Forearm(Radius&Ulna)AP &Lat.View inclu.Elbow &Wrist joint
A Digital X-ray of the left forearm (Radius & Ulna) in both Anterior-Posterior (AP...read more
800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Forearm (Radius&Ulna) AP & Lat.View including Wrist joint
A Digital X-ray of the left forearm, including the Radius, Ulna, and wrist joint i...read more
800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Foot AP & Oblique View (B/V)
A Digital X-ray of the left foot in Anterior-Posterior (AP) and Oblique views (B/V...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Elbow joint AP, Lat. & oblique view
A Digital X-ray of the left elbow joint in Anterior-Posterior (AP), Lateral, and O...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Elbow joint AP & Lateral view
A Digital X-ray of the left elbow joint in both Anterior-Posterior (AP) and Latera...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Ear
A Digital X-ray of the left ear is an imaging test used to examine the bones and s...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Clavicle AP View
A Digital X-ray of the left clavicle in the Anterior-Posterior (AP) view is used t...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Clavicle AP & Lateral View
A Digital X-ray of the left clavicle in the Anterior-Posterior (AP) and Lateral vi...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Left Ankle joint AP & Lateral view
A Digital X-Ray of the Left Ankle Joint in AP & Lateral Views provides two angles ...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of L/S, Spine both lateral view
A Digital X-Ray of the Lumbo-Sacral (L/S) Spine in Both Lateral Views involves cap...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of L/S Spine Rt. Oblique View
A Digital X-Ray of the Lumbo-Sacral (L/S) Spine in Right Oblique View provides an ...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of L/S Spine Left Oblique View
A Digital X-Ray of the Lumbo-Sacral (L/S) Spine in Left Oblique View provides an a...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of L/S Spine Both Oblique View
A Digital X-Ray of the Lumbo-Sacral (L/S) Spine in Both Oblique Views provides ang...read more
1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of L/S spine AP,Lat,Flexion,Extension, & Rt. oblique view
A Digital X-Ray of the Lumbo-Sacral (L/S) Spine in AP, Lateral, Flexion, Extension...read more
2500 BDT
Digital X-Ray of L/S spine Ap & Both Lat view
A Digital X-Ray of the Lumbo-Sacral (L/S) Spine in AP & Both Lateral Views is used...read more
1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Knee joint oblique view RT (ONE FILM)
A Digital X-Ray of the Right Knee Joint in Oblique View (One Film) is a diagnostic...read more
600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Invertogram (Plain abdomen erect lateral with legs uo)
A Digital X-Ray of Invertogram (Plain Abdomen Erect Lateral with Legs Up) is typic...read more
600 BDT
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