The goal is to offer high-quality diagnostic services to the people of the country at an affordable price, reducing the need for patients to seek medical treatment abroad and spend their hard-earned foreign currency. This will be achieved by providing diagnostic services that meet international standards. Additionally, renowned General Practitioners, Consultants, and Professors in various medical fields will provide outpatient treatment. The focus is also on promoting health education and medical services. A day care center will be established to cater to follow-up care for cardiac, renal, and oncology patients. The long-term objective is to establish a fully equipped specialized hospital offering tertiary medical services. Furthermore, the plan includes the establishment of satellite collection centers.
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Dhanmondi
28 Years in service
Hotline (Open 24/7)
+8809666 787801
Contact us via email
House #16, Road # 2, Dhanmondi R/A, 6, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
Diagnostic Services
Digital X-Ray of Chest Inspiratory & Expiratory PA view
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Chest for Rib Right Side (Oblique View)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Chest for Rib Left Side (Oblique View)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Chest Apical view
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Chest apical lordotic & Lt. Lat view
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Chest AP, Rt. Letaral, Oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Chest AP View (100% Equal Size)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervico-dorsal spine (Cervico-Thoracic) spine AP & Lateral view
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine One Oblique View Only
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine Lateral View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine Lateral & One oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine Lateral & Both oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine flexion, extention and open mouth
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical Spine Both Oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical Spine Both Lateral View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical Spine B/V with Atlanto Axial Joint
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP,Lat,Flexion,Extension, & Rt. oblique view
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more2800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP, Lateral & Right oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP, Lateral & Left oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP, Lateral & Both oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more2400 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP View Only
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP & One oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP & Lateral View (B/V)
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP & Both oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical spine AP & both lat view
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more1800 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Cervical One Oblique View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of C. Spine AP,Lat,Flexion,Extension,Neutral
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more2200 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Both Wrist Lateral View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
Digital X-Ray of Both Wrist AP View
Radiography is used to diagnose fractured bones, detect injury or infection, or more600 BDT
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