Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Uttara (Unit 1)

10 Years in service
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House # 21, Road # 7, Sector # 4, Jashim Uddin More, Uttara, 40, Uttara, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh
Diagnostic Services
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Nasopharynx (Rt.) Swab for C/S

This test is used to identify infections in the nasopharynx (upper throat) and determine the specific pathogens responsible. Preparation involves avoiding eating or drinking right before the test. During the procedure, a swab is inserted into the right nostril to collect mucus from the nasopharynx. Risks include mild discomfort or gagging. After the test, there’s no special care required. Results identify bacteria or viruses and their sensitivity to antibiotics. Conditions like a recent upper respiratory infection or antibiotic use may influence the accuracy of the results.
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