* To render the world standard diagnostic service to the people of the
country at an affordable cost and in turn to limit the outflow of the
patient abroad at the expense of heard earn foreign currency by
providing quality diagnostic services.
* Out door basis treatment by renowned General Practitioners,
Consultants and Professors in different medical fields.
* To promote Health Education & Medical Services.
* Day care Centre for follow-up cardiac renal and oncology patients.
* To build a full fledged specialized (Tertiary) Hospital.
* Set up Satellite collection Centre.
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Uttara (Unit 1)
10 Years in service

Hotline (Open 24/7 Service)
09613 787805
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House # 21, Road # 7, Sector # 4, Jashim Uddin More, Uttara, 40, Uttara, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh
Diagnostic Services
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CSF for Biochemical Test
CSF Biochemical Test evaluates cerebrospinal fluid for abnormalities in glucose, protein, and lactate levels, aiding in diagnosing infections (e.g., meningitis), inflammation, or neurological disorders. CSF is collected via lumbar puncture under sterile conditions. Preparation involves fasting and proper asepsis. Risks include headache, infection, or bleeding from the procedure. Low glucose and high protein levels may indicate bacterial meningitis, while elevated lactate can point to infections or hypoxia. Results must be correlated with clinical findings for accurate diagnosis.1000 BDT
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