Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Uttara (Unit 1)

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House # 21, Road # 7, Sector # 4, Jashim Uddin More, Uttara, 40, Uttara, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh
Diagnostic Services
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Ascitic Fluid for AFB

The Ascitic Fluid for AFB test is performed to detect acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in ascitic fluid, which is the fluid accumulated in the abdomen due to conditions like tuberculous peritonitis or other infections. The test involves obtaining a sample of the ascitic fluid through paracentesis (a needle inserted into the abdomen) and examining it under a microscope or culturing it for AFB. This helps diagnose abdominal tuberculosis. Risks include slight discomfort or infection at the puncture site. A positive result confirms the presence of tuberculosis, while a negative result may require further investigation.
600 BDT
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