Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd.| English Road

20 Years in service
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd.| English Road Logo
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House # 2, English Road, Dhaka, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh
Diagnostic Services
Scrapping from Lt. Cheek for C/S
The ""Scrapping from Lt. Cheek for C/S"" is a clinical procedure typically used to...read more
1500 BDT
The SARS-CoV-2 test detects the presence of the virus that causes COVID-19, typica...read more
3000 BDT
SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19)(Traveler)
The SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) test for travelers typically detects the virus using PCR...read more
2500 BDT
25000 BDT
Saliva for Fungus
A saliva test for fungus is used to detect fungal infections in the body, such as ...read more
600 BDT
Rubella - IgM
The Rubella IgM test detects recent rubella infection by measuring IgM antibodies ...read more
1400 BDT
Rubella - IgG
The Rubella IgG test checks for antibodies to the rubella virus, indicating whethe...read more
1400 BDT
Rose Waaler Test (Titre)
The Rose Waaler test (titre) is a blood test used to detect the presence of rheuma...read more
700 BDT
Right Breast (Biopsy)
A right breast biopsy is a procedure to remove tissue from the breast for examinat...read more
1500 BDT
Rh Antibody(Anti- D Ab)
The Rh Antibody (Anti-D Ab) test detects antibodies against the Rh factor, a prote...read more
1200 BDT
Reticulocyte Count
The reticulocyte count measures the number of immature red blood cells in your blo...read more
300 BDT
Renin (Upright)
The Upright Renin test measures renin levels in blood while the patient is standin...read more
4000 BDT
Renin (Supine)
The Renin (Supine) test measures renin levels in the blood to assess kidney functi...read more
4000 BDT
Rectal Swab for Gram Stain
A rectal swab for Gram stain is used to detect bacterial infections in the rectum....read more
600 BDT
Rectal Swab for C/S
A rectal swab for C/S (Culture and Sensitivity) is used to detect bacterial infect...read more
1500 BDT
Rectal Swab for AFB
The rectal swab for AFB (acid-fast bacilli) is used to detect tuberculosis (TB) or...read more
600 BDT
Random Plasma glucose
The Random Plasma Glucose test measures blood sugar levels at any time, regardless...read more
200 BDT
R. A. Test (Titre)
The R.A. Test (Titre) is used to measure the presence of rheumatoid factor (RF) in...read more
700 BDT
QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus
QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus is a blood test used to detect latent tuberculosis (TB) i...read more
8000 BDT
Pus from the lesion of breast for C/S
A pus culture and sensitivity (C/S) test from a breast lesion involves collecting ...read more
1500 BDT
Pus for Gram Stain
The ""Test Pus"" for Gram Stain involves applying a sample of pus to a microscope ...read more
600 BDT
Pus for GeneXpert(MTB)
The GeneXpert MTB test is a rapid molecular diagnostic test for detecting Mycobact...read more
6000 BDT
Pus for Fungus
A ""Pus for Fungus"" test, also known as a fungal culture of pus, is used to diagn...read more
600 BDT
Pus for C/S
A Pus culture and sensitivity (C/S) test identifies the bacteria causing an infect...read more
1500 BDT
Pus for AFB
The Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) for AFB (Acid-Fast Bacilli) is used to detect tuber...read more
600 BDT
Pus Cytology For Malignant Cell
Pus cytology for malignant cells is a diagnostic test that examines pus samples fo...read more
1200 BDT
Pus C/S for Fungus
The Pus Culture and Sensitivity (C/S) test for fungus is performed to identify fun...read more
1200 BDT
Pus C/S for Anerobic
A Pus C/S (Culture and Sensitivity) test for anaerobes is used to identify infecti...read more
1500 BDT
Pus C/S for AFB
The Pus C/S for AFB (Culture and Sensitivity for Acid-Fast Bacilli) test is used t...read more
1200 BDT
The PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) test measures the level of PSA in the blood, w...read more
1400 BDT
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