Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Chattogram

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20/B. K. B. Fazlul Kader Road, Panchlaish, Chattogram, Chittagong-4203, Bangladesh
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Fetal Growth + Anomaly (Triplet) 4D(F799)

The Fetal Growth + Anomaly (Triplet) 4D (F799) ultrasound is designed to monitor the growth and development of triplets while also screening for potential abnormalities. This scan assesses the size, weight, and overall development of each fetus, and it checks for structural defects such as heart, brain, or limb abnormalities. Using advanced 4D imaging, the procedure provides detailed, real-time, three-dimensional visuals of the fetuses. Typically performed between 18-24 weeks of pregnancy, it requires no special preparation. The test is non-invasive and offers critical information to manage and monitor the health of multiple pregnancies. Results guide medical decisions for the care of the mother and fetuses.
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