Famous Hospital & Diagnostic Center Ltd.

7 Years in service
Famous Hospital & Diagnostic Center Ltd. Logo
Konapara Main Road, Matuail, Jatrabari, Dhaka, 1362, Bangladesh
Famous Hospitals Limited is a 30 beds tertiary care hospital and the leading contributor of private healthcare services in Bangladesh. This has been achieved only through consistent commitment to improving the lives of people through utmost service excellence since its inception on 16th December 2016. Famous Hospitals is one of the ventures of Famous Group which is the top business group in the country. The reputation of Famous Hospital is the result of quality clinical outcomes and comprehensive care, made achievable through world-class integrated healthcare facilities by highly trained professionals. Thus, Famous Hospitals strives to meet patients’ standards through quality healthcare and making a difference in their lives. This hospital is an affiliate partner of Methodist Healthcare, Memphis, Tennessee, USA; Christian Medical College-Vellore, India; Sing Health and Raffles Hospital, Singapore. The outpatient department (OPD) of the hospital can serve up to 180 patients daily, through 12+ consultation rooms. The outpatient services are open daily, except Friday (prayer Time), in the convenient morning, afternoon, and late evening hours. Other than that, our ER (Emergency dept) is fully operational 24/7 around the year. Famous Hospital has almost all departments of medical service under one roof which enable us to deliver properly integrated services to our patients.
Famous Hospital aims to provide unparalleled service to the people of Bangladesh by delivering the highest possible level of care.
To be the world's best service-based hospital in Bangladesh.

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