Dr. Neher Banu

Dr. Neher Banu

Gynecologist & Obstetrician
20 Years of Experience Overall
BMDC Reg.: Coming Soon


Dr. Neher Banu

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Dr. Neher Banu is a Gynecologist in Savar. She holds the degrees of MBBS, BCS (Health), and FCPS (OBGYN). She is a doctor who specializes in gynecology and obstetrics who works at Upzilla Health Complex in Dhamrai. She usually treats her patients at Savar's Popular Diagnostic Center. For appointments or additional information, please contact us at: 09611530530.
Nargis Tower, House No. E/22, Talbagh, Thana Bus Stand, Dhaka - Aricha Hwy, Savar Union 1340, Bangladesh, Dhaka, 1340, Bangladesh
Work Experiences
  • Consultant - Upzilla Health Complex, Dhamrai
  • MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
  • BCS (Health) - Bangladesh Civil Service.
  • FCPS (OBGYN) - Fellow of College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan.
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