Dr. Nasima Akter


Dr. Nasima Akter

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Dr. Nasima Akter is a Gynecologist & Obstetrician in Dhaka. Her credentials include MBBS (Dhaka Medical College), FCPS (Second Part) (Gyne & Obs), PGT (DMC), CCD (BIRDEM), DMU (Ultra). She is employed at Mirpur General Hospital | Kalshi. She treats her patients at Mirpur General Hospital | Kalshi on a regular basis. For appointments or additional information, please contact us at: 09611530530.
Plot-10, Road-4/5, Block-B, Section-12, Kalshi Road, Dhaka, 1216, Bangladesh
Work Experiences
  • Consultant - Mirpur General Hospital Ltd.
  • MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
  • FCPS (Second Part) (Obs. & Gynae) - Fellowship of college of Physicians & Surgeon.
  • PGT - Postgraduate Training.
  • CCD (Bardem) - Cleidocranial Dysplasia.
  • DMUD (Ultra) - Diploma in Medical Ultrasound Diagnostic.
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