Dr. Md Mominul Islam Momin
MBBS (SSMC)BCS (Health)MS (Urology)MCPS (surgery)MRCSCCD (Birdem)
18 Years of Experience Overall
BMDC Reg.: Coming Soon
ID: D06HP48
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Bogura
H # 12/305, Thanthania Bus-Stand Sherpur Road, Bogra-5800, Bangladesh
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Serves for:
Bladder Control ProblemsCystoceleEpididymitisErectile Dysfunction (ED)HydronephrosisNeurogenic BladderPeyronie's DiseasePROSTATE PROBLEMSView more
Dr. Md Mominul Islam Momin is a Urologist in Bogura. His credentials are MBBS (SSMC), BCS (Health), MS (Urology), MCPS (surgery), MRCS, CCD (Birdem). He is employed at Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College & Hospital. He treats his patients at Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Bogura on a regular basis. For appointments or additional information please contact us at: 09611530530.
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Bogura
H # 12/305, Thanthania Bus-Stand Sherpur Road, Bogra-5800, Bangladesh
Field of Concentration
Work Experiences
- Consultant - Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College & Hospital.
- MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
- BCS (Health) - Bangladesh Civil Service.
- MS (Urology) - Master of Surgery.
- MCPS (Surgery) - College of Bangladesh and Surgeons.
- MRCS - Membership of The Royal College of Surgeons.
- CCD (BIRDEM) - Cleidocranial dysplasia.
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