Sunway Medical Centre | Malaysia
5, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Bandar Sunway, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, Subang Jaya-47500, Malaysia
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Serves for:
Adnexal TumorsAdrenal CancerBladder CancerBone-marrow TransfusionColorectal CancerGastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST)Gynecologic OncologyHodgkin's LymphomaView more
Dr. Joseph K Joseph is a Oncologist in Malaysia. His credentials are MBBCh, BAO (Ire), MRCP (UK), AM (Mal), ESMO. He is employed at Sunway Medical Centre, Malaysia. He treats his patients at Sunway Medical Centre | Malaysia on a regular basis. For appointments or additional information, please contact us at: 09611530530.
Sunway Medical Centre | Malaysia
5, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Bandar Sunway, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, Subang Jaya-47500, Malaysia
Field of Concentration
Work Experiences
- Consultant - Sunway Medical Centre, Malaysia.
- MBBCh - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
- MRCP (UK) - Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians.
- BAO (Ire).
- AM (Mal).
- ESMO - European Society for Medical Oncology.
Courses & Trainings
- Internal Medicine, United Kingdom (1989 – 1992).
- Medical Oncology at Christie Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom (1992 – 1993).
- Specialist in Medical Oncology at Hospital Kuala Lumpur (1994 - 1998).
- Resident Consultant Medical Oncologist at Pantai Hospital (2003 - 2010).
- Resident Consultant Medical Oncologist at Sunway Medical Centre (2010 - now).
- Member of European society of Medical Oncology (ESMO).
- Member Academy of Medicine, Malaysia 2003 Medical Oncology, Internal Medicine.
- EXCO & life member of Malaysian Oncology Society 2004-2006.
- Malaysian Medical Association 1996.
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