Dr. Hasnina Akter

Dr. Hasnina Akter

MBBSMPhil (Radiotherapy)
10 Years of Experience Overall
BMDC Reg.: Coming Soon
ID: D20NJ25


Dr. Hasnina Akter

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Dr. Hasnina Akter is a cancer specialist in Chattogram. Her degree is MBBS, MPhil (Radiotherapy). She is a cancer care consultant at Evercare Hospital in Chattogram.She specialises in sophisticated radiotherapy treatment (IMRT, VMAT, and SRS) and received advanced radiotherapy training in India (Chennai and Hyderabad). She is also a consultant at the Breast Clinic (every Wednesday), which specialises on breast cancer patients. She often gives radiotherapy and chemotherapy to her patients at Evercare Hospital Chattogram. For appointments or additional information, please contact us at: 09611530530.
Plot No. H1, Anannya CDA Residential Area, Oxygen - Kuwaish Rd, Chittagong-4337, Bangladesh
Work Experiences
  • Consultant - Evercare Hospital, Chattogram.
  • MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
  • MPhil (Radiotherapy) - Master of Philosophy.
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