Dr. Debashis Roy

Dr. Debashis Roy

MBBS (Dhaka)BCS (Health)FCPS (Medicine)MRCP (UK)MACP (USA)
Medicine Specialist
18 Years of Experience Overall
BMDC Reg.: Coming Soon


Dr. Debashis Roy

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Dr. Debashish Rai is an exceptional Medicine specialist, admired and respected for his unparalleled expertise and commitment to providing top-notch healthcare. He has obtained his degrees in MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine), MRCP (UK), and MACP (USA). With a profound understanding of various medical conditions and their complexities, he stands out as a true authority in his field. Dr. Rai's diagnostic skills are second to none, and his comprehensive approach to patient care ensures that each individual receives personalized and effective treatment. Patients speak highly of his compassionate demeanor, which fosters trust and comfort during their medical journeys. His continuous pursuit of knowledge and dedication to staying updated with the latest medical advancements further reinforces his status as an outstanding Medicine specialist, making a profound and lasting impact on the lives of those he serves.
House no.12 &, 13 Rd 22, Block#K, Banani, Dhaka, Dhaka, 1212, Bangladesh
Work Experiences
  • Consultant- Mugda Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka
  • MBBS (Dhaka)- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
  • BCS (Health)- Bangladesh Civil Service
  • FCPS (Medicine)- Fellow of College of Physicians and Surgeons
  • MRCP (UK)- Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians
  • MACP (USA)- Master, American College of Physicians.
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