Showing result for “Disc Surgery”
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Green Life Hospital Ltd.
Serves for
Green Life Hospital Ltd.
MAK Khan Tower, 31 and 31/1, Bir Uttam K.M. Shafiullah Sarak, Green Road, 24, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Labaid Specialized Hospital | Dhanmondi
Serves for
Labaid Specialized Hospital | Dhanmondi
House: 1 and, 6 Road No 4, Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi, 32, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
BRB Hospitals Limited
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Serves for
BRB Hospitals Limited
77 Panthapath, 12, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
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Sagar Hospitals | Jayanagar
Serves for
Sagar Hospitals | Jayanagar
Jayanagar #44/54, 30th Cross Road, Tilak Nagar, Jayanagar, Bengaluru - 560 041 Karnataka, India, Bangalore-560041, India
Sat Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
MBBSMS (Orthopaedics)DNB (Orthopaedics)FNB (Spine Surgery)
Orthopedic Surgeon
17 Years of Experience Overall
Jaypee Hospital
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Jaypee Hospital
Jaypee Hospital Rd, Goberdhanpur, Sector 128, Noida-201304, India
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TX Hospitals | Banjara Hills
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Serves for
TX Hospitals | Banjara Hills
Building, Road no:12, Raichandani Construction, Sri Ram Nagar Colony, Banjara Hills, Telangana, Hyderabad-500034, India
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Manipal Hospitals | Dhakuria
Serves for
Manipal Hospitals | Dhakuria
C.I.T Scheme, Gariahat Rd, Dhakuria, LXXII Block A, P-4 & 5, Kolkata, West Bengal, Kolkata-700029, India
Dhaka Trauma Center And Specialised Orthopedic Hospital Ltd.
Serves for
Dhaka Trauma Center And Specialised Orthopedic Hospital Ltd.
23/6 rupayan shelford (3rd floor),opposite of city bank,shaymoly, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Dhaka Trauma Center And Specialised Orthopedic Hospital Ltd.
Serves for
Dhaka Trauma Center And Specialised Orthopedic Hospital Ltd.
23/6 rupayan shelford (3rd floor),opposite of city bank,shaymoly, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Mirpur General Hospital | Kalshi
Serves for
Mirpur General Hospital | Kalshi
Plot-10, Road-4/5, Block-B, Section-12, Kalshi Road, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
MBBS (Dhaka Medical)BCS (Health)MS (Orthopaedic Surgery)
Orthopedic Surgeon
16 Years of Experience Overall
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Barishal
Serves for
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Barishal
955 & 109, Shahid Nazrul Islam Road, Alekanda, Banglabazar, Barisal-8200, Bangladesh
Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center | Bogura
Serves for
Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center | Bogura
House # 1103/1116, Kanochgari, Sherpur Road, Bogra-5800, Bangladesh
Ibn Sina Hospital & Diagnostic Center | Jessore
Serves for
Ibn Sina Hospital & Diagnostic Center | Jessore
House No # 68, Jail Road, Daratana, Jessore-7400, Bangladesh
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Shantinagar (Unit 1)
Serves for
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Shantinagar (Unit 1)
House # 11, Shantinagar , Motijheel, 4, Paltan, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
Human Aid Research Lab and Hospital
Serves for
Human Aid Research Lab and Hospital
54 Darus Salam Rd, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Human Aid Research Lab and Hospital
Serves for
Human Aid Research Lab and Hospital
54 Darus Salam Rd, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
MBBSBCS (Health)D-Ortho (Pongu Hospital)PGT (Surgery)
Orthopedic Surgeon
18 Years of Experience Overall
Lakecity Diagnostic and Consultation Center
Serves for
Lakecity Diagnostic and Consultation Center
48/A, Sharder Market, Bottala, Khilkhet, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh
Lakecity Diagnostic and Consultation Center
Serves for
Lakecity Diagnostic and Consultation Center
48/A, Sharder Market, Bottala, Khilkhet, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh
Holy Aid Hospital Ltd.
Serves for
Holy Aid Hospital Ltd.
Lake View Sarker Plaza, Hazinagar, Sarulia,, Demra, Dhaka-1361, Bangladesh
Health Point Diagnostic Services
Serves for
Health Point Diagnostic Services
Adept Moitry Complex (2nd Floor), 571 ECB Chattor, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh
The Dhaka Islamia General Hospital and Diagnostic Centre
Serves for
The Dhaka Islamia General Hospital and Diagnostic Centre
Prara Dogair, Beside Takoa jame masjid, Jatrabari, Dhaka-1362, Bangladesh
Bangladesh City Hospital Ltd.
Serves for
Bangladesh City Hospital Ltd.
Sun Plaza, Ruhitpur Bazar, Keranigonj Model, Dhaka-1310, Bangladesh
Marine Healthcare Hospital and Diagnostic Centre
Serves for
Marine Healthcare Hospital and Diagnostic Centre
KA-196/1/B, Marine Tower, Tatultola, Khilkhet, Airport, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh
MBBSBCS (Health)CCD (Birdem)FCPS (Part-II)D-Ortho (Ortho Surgery, BSMMU)
Orthopedic Surgeon
19 Years of Experience Overall
Combined Hospital Ltd
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Serves for
Combined Hospital Ltd
1090/1 Ibrahimpur Bazar Road (100 yards west of Pulpar), Kafrul, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh
+ 1 more locations
Fatima Diagnostic and Medical Center
Serves for
Fatima Diagnostic and Medical Center
Haji Abdul Barek Road, Aganagar Bara Mosque (below Sapna Community Centre), Keraniganj, Dhaka-1310, Bangladesh
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