* To render the world standard diagnostic service to the people of the country at an affordable cost and in turn to limit the outflow of the patient abroad at the expense of heard earn foreign currency by providing quality diagnostic services. * Out door basis treatment by renowned General Practitioners, Consultants and Professors in different medical fields. * To promote Health Education & Medical Services. * Day care Centre for follow-up cardiac renal and oncology patients. * To build a full fledged specialized (Tertiary) Hospital. * Set up Satellite collection Centre.
Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd. | Chattogram
15 Years in service

20/B. K. B. Fazlul Kader Road, Panchlaish, Chattogram, Chittagong-4203, Bangladesh
Diagnostic Services
FNAC (Ultrasound Guided)
FNAC (Ultrasound Guided) is a fine needle aspiration procedure performed with ultr...read more5000 BDT
FNAC (Small Tumour)
FNAC (Small Tumor) involves using a fine needle to extract cells from a small tumo...read more3000 BDT
FNAC (Right Breast)
FNAC (Right Breast) involves using a fine needle to collect cells from a lump or l...read more3000 BDT
FNAC (Left Breast)
FNAC (Left Breast) involves using a fine needle to extract cells from a lump or le...read more3000 BDT
FNAC (L. Node)
FNAC (Lymph Node) involves using a fine needle to extract cells from an enlarged o...read more3000 BDT
5000 BDT
FNAC (Both Breast)
FNAC (Both Breast) involves using a fine needle to extract cells from suspicious l...read more5000 BDT
FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology) is a minimally invasive diagnostic procedur...read more3000 BDT
Fluid for LDH
Fluid for LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) testing measures LDH enzyme levels in body f...read more1400 BDT
Fluid for Gram Stain
Fluid for Gram stain involves analyzing a sample of body fluid (e.g., pleural, per...read more600 BDT
Fluid for GeneXpert(MTB)
Fluid for GeneXpert (MTB) is a molecular test performed on body fluids (e.g., pleu...read more7000 BDT
Fluid for Fungus
Fluid for fungus testing involves analyzing body fluid (e.g., pleural, peritoneal,...read more600 BDT
Fluid for Cytology
Fluid for cytology involves microscopic examination of body fluids (e.g., pleural,...read more1500 BDT
Fluid for Creatinine
Fluid for creatinine testing measures creatinine levels in body fluids, such as pe...read more500 BDT
Fluid for C/S
Fluid for C/S (Culture and Sensitivity) involves culturing a sample of body fluid ...read more2500 BDT
Fluid for Biochemical Test
Fluid for biochemical tests involves analyzing body fluids (e.g., pleural, periton...read more1000 BDT
Fluid for Amylase
Fluid for amylase testing measures amylase enzyme levels in body fluids, such as p...read more1200 BDT
Fluid for Albumin
Fluid for albumin testing measures albumin levels in body fluids, such as pleural,...read more500 BDT
Fluid for AFB Stain
Fluid for AFB Stain involves analyzing body fluid samples (e.g., pleural, peritone...read more600 BDT
Fluid for ADA
Fluid for ADA (Adenosine Deaminase) testing measures ADA enzyme levels in body flu...read more1600 BDT
Fluid Cytology for Malignant Cells
Fluid cytology for malignant cells analyzes body fluids (e.g., pleural, peritoneal...read more1400 BDT
Fluid C/S for AFB
Fluid C/S for AFB (Acid-Fast Bacilli Culture and Sensitivity) tests body fluids (e...read more800 BDT
Film/Cell Morphology
Film/Cell Morphology involves examining a stained blood smear under a microscope t...read more500 BDT
Fibrinogen is a protein produced by the liver that plays a crucial role in blood c...read more1400 BDT
Ferritin is a blood test that measures the stored iron levels in the body. It is u...read more1200 BDT
Fecal Calprotectin (fCAL)
Fecal Calprotectin (fCAL) is a stool test that measures calprotectin, a protein re...read more6000 BDT
Febrile Antigens
Febrile antigens testing detects antibodies against specific pathogens causing feb...read more1500 BDT
FDP (Fibrin Degradation Products) testing measures the breakdown products of fibri...read more2500 BDT
Fasting Plasma glucose
Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) measures blood sugar levels after at least 8 hours of...read more250 BDT
Factor VIII is a clotting protein critical for blood coagulation, working with Fac...read more4000 BDT
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