Monowara Hospital Private Limited

24 Years in service
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54 Siddheswari Road, Ramna, 34, Ramna, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
Monowara Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd. is a real multi-hospital system in Dhaka City. This Hospital surgical suite includes of mainly modern and highly equipped three operation theatres. These are sufficient for all kinds of surgery including Laparoscopic and Endoscopic process. This hospital is non private, private and deluxe rooms are provided. These rooms are with comfort and expediency of the highest order with wonderful fittings and equipments. It also facilitated with nurses call system, TV, telephone and oxygen system.
To ensure all kinds of latest and most modern health care services for all classes of people and to produce highly qualified and devoted health professionals including doctors, nurses and dental surgeons for the society.
Our motto is to serve mankind through providing better health care service with a caring mind and patriotism.

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