Lab Science Diagnostics

10 Years in service
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153/1, Green Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
At Lab Science Diagnostic Centre, we are dedicated to your health and well-being. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for precision, we provide a comprehensive range of healthcare services designed to meet your diverse needs. Lab Science Diagnostics is a laboratory that specialize in providing accurate and reliable diagnostic testing services. These labs use advanced technology and methodologies to identify and analyze various medical conditions, including cancer, infections, genetic disorders, and other illnesses. Our Quality pathology labs employ trained and experienced professionals, including pathologists, medical technologists, and laboratory technicians, who work together to ensure that patients receive timely and accurate results. The lab follow strict quality control protocols to maintain accuracy, precision, and consistency in their testing procedures. We also maintain stringent safety measures to ensure that samples are handled properly and the risk of contamination is minimized.
Our Mission is to empower individuals and organizations with the information and care they need to achieve and maintain optimal health. We are committed to delivering exceptional healthcare services, fostering a culture of innovation, and making a positive impact on the well-being of our patients and the community we serve.
Our Vision is to be the leading provider of healthcare solutions, setting industry benchmarks for accuracy, reliability, and patient-centric care. We aim to transform the healthcare experience by continually innovating and expanding our services to meet the evolving needs of our community.

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