Khidmah Hospital Private Limited

18 Years in service
Khidmah Hospital Private Limited Logo
Hotline (Open 24/7 Service)
096 0606 3030
Contact us via email
C-287/2-3 , Bishwa Road, Dhaka-1219, Bangladesh
Welcome To Khidmah Hospital Khidmah Hospital (Pvt) Ltd. is a leading private hospital at Khilgaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh. We started our journey in 2003. Almost all the services are available day and night. Professors & doctors are consulting with patients for 24 hours with all facilities of diagnostic and emergency services. We do care of patients at diabetic center, eye center, physiotherapy and dental care at very affordable cost. Khidmah Hospital offers all type of medical & healthcare services with up-to-date facilities which are completely managed by well-reputed medical specialists, expert nurses and technnologist. Our main focus is to deliver modern Healthcare Services of Universal Standard through continuous innovation and development of quality services.
To provide quality health care services to the community with affordable cost.
To be recognized as an Unic Hospital maintaining all sorts of religious and professional ethics to be valued by our patients.

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