Service Providers for Cine MRI of Cysternogram

A Cine MRI of Cisternogram is an advanced imaging technique that combines Cine MRI (real-time dynamic imaging) with a cisternogram (study of the cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] pathways in the brain and spine). The procedure typically involves injecting a contrast agent into the CSF and using MRI to capture the movement of the fluid through the brain's ventricles, cisterns, and spinal canal over time. This is useful in diagnosing conditions like CSF leaks, hydrocephalus, or other disorders affecting the flow or absorption of cerebrospinal fluid. The Cine MRI allows real-time visualization of fluid dynamics, helping doctors assess CSF circulation and detect abnormalities. The patient is asked to remain still during the scan, and no radiation is involved. The procedure is non-invasive and provides detailed, dynamic images for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.