Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Ambulance, 01405600700

Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Ambulance, 01405600700

What Is An ACLS Ambulance?

ACLS refers to advanced cardiac life support ambulances. These ambulances are equipped with advanced medical equipment to help cardiac patients. They have advanced medical support, including cardiac monitor, ventilator, and intubation equipment. Additionally, a team of paramedics help the patient during the move. 

When to Call for An ACLS Ambulance?

An ACLS ambulance is not necessary for all circumstances. However, some critical moments require an ACLS ambulance, such as

Patients with Cardiac Arrest or Strokes

Call 01405600700 for an ACLS ambulance if your patient is suffering from cardiac arrest. Some signs of cardiac arrest or strokes include:

  • Sudden collapse and loss of consciousness
  • No pulse or abnormal breathing
  • Chest pain, especially crushing or radiating pain.

Sasthya Seba ensures paramedics accompany every ACLS ambulance. The trained personnel can perform life-saving interventions. They can administer medications and manage airways effectively.

Constant IV Medicine Support

Patients requiring constant IV medicine support need specialized care. This includes those with severe infections, chronic conditions, or acute illnesses. Our trained paramedics can monitor IV lines and administer medications. They can also help manage any complication that arises. 

Other Conditions

You may also need to call an ACLS ambulance for other situations. It can be difficult breathing, severe chest pain, uncontrolled bleeding, etc. Obstetrical patients with diabetes, hypertension, and placental abnormalities may also require ambulances with advanced equipment. 

Our Service Area

Sasthya Seba aims to ensure everyone receives quick ambulance service. Call us at any time from anywhere. We provide our services to villages, towns, and big cities. Our ambulances have all the important equipment your patient will need during the transport to the hospital. And every vehicle comes with paramedics. 

We also provide importance to timely arrival. Whenever you call, you will be able to reach our support team. We are available 24/7 with our team. For any emergency, call 01405600700 and experience our quickest service. 

Request an Ambulance

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One of our agent will get back to you within 30 minutes with the update of the ambulance.